Submission Details

- Enthusiast League

443.11 MHz avec Abit NV8 à 443.1MHz

Position dans le classement


Classement général:


NV8 classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 5

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

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  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

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Commentaires récents

Dreadlockyx dit :

Wow, that's awesome.

United StatesBones dit :

Nice one!

United StatesMr.Scott dit :

NV8.....forgot all about that board. Nice clock on that.

Russian FederationAntinomy dit :

Yeah, one of the great pretendens - both DFI's, Asus K8N4 and this Abit NV8 were on the list I made in the beginning of the stage. So nothing suprising for me.

Really nice work, though! :)

United StatesBones dit :

I'm wondering if that could be at or close to a record for a VIA-based mother board.


Either way, great job! dit :

Nice job my friend. Go to more clock ;)

Russian FederationAntinomy dit :

I'm wondering if that could be at or close to a record for a VIA-based mother board.
It's a Nforce4-4X, Dr. McCoy ;)

NV - for NVIDIA, not V for VIA.

United StatesMr.Scott dit :

It's basically Abit's version of the same board you're running Doc.;)

United StatesBones dit :

It's a Nforce4-4X, Dr. McCoy ;)

NV - for NVIDIA, not V for VIA.


Yeah, I missed that one.

Not very familiar with the Abit 754 boards but should have caught that anyway with the N in the model name.

Russian FederationAntinomy dit :

These were still the days of Abit's overclocking glory. As well as EPox. Their sunset began shortly after that :(

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