Submission Details


- Elite League

5min 13sec 719ms avec Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X à 6851MHz

Position dans le classement


Classement général:


Core i7 Extreme 980X classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 323

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
SuperPi - 32M screenshot

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

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  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

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Commentaires récents

MontenegroPerica_barii dit :

Sky is the limit.... :)

TaPaKaH dit :

congrats on the lead in the "best CPU" race

United StatesBenchZowner dit :

congrats on the lead in the "best CPU" race


I thought you always had the best CPUs, RAMs, MOBOs :D

AustraliaDinos22 dit :

sick timings and frequency

whats with no wazza.....were you crashing at those clocks and backing off was counterproductive?

Russian FederationDeDaL dit :

NO Copy Wazza ?



X58A-UD9 is amazing for sure !!!

dit :

dinos you put your job in jeapordy, you insult a fellow collegue by asking why hes not using waza when he has 1030 6-6-6 and 5100 uncore at 6.8ghz...

BelgiumMassman dit :

It's like asking the owner of a Veyron: "What, no nitro in the car?"

GreeceGeorge_oc dit :


United Statessteponz dit :

I think its a great question... wonder what would happen with wazza... sick for sure..

dit :

Maybe the with Wazza Pi 32mil is waiting as back up? :D

TaPaKaH dit :

who said this is w/o copywaza? i only see a lack of maxmem

AustraliaDinos22 dit :

wazza at those clocks can cost you 50Mhz + stability so you might actually be faster without it due to raw speed much the same as Andre's magic Windows 7 32M benching :D


dinos you put your job in jeapordy, you insult a fellow collegue by asking why hes not using waza when he has 1030 6-6-6 and 5100 uncore at 6.8ghz...


It's like asking the owner of a Veyron: "What, no nitro in the car?"


hahah you two clowns :D



Sam have you ever wasted time doing wazza without maxmem on all your borrowed and sold hardware? :D

TaPaKaH dit :

dinos, CW without maxmem actually helps and quite a bit

don't think Hicookie's eff is possible without CW, this is BY FAR (sub2150k vs 2200k+) the best 6.1ghz+ GT efficency ever seen

AustraliaDinos22 dit :

quite a bit means what exactly heheh


you are right that this run is very efficient. Youngpro had same efficiency with his 6.4GHz run but he did not have these system settings that cookie is sporting

Irannasiban dit :

wow oh my god ....

EstoniaLauri Kiissel dit :

Liquid helium and <5min? :)

United StatesTek dit :

that not true this pic is fake

United StatesTek dit :


United StatesTek dit :


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