Submission Details

- Enthusiast League

27sec 60ms avec Intel Core i5 430M à 3317MHz

Position dans le classement


WR Rank:

5888th sur un total de 7748


Classement général:

5888th sur un total de 7748


Core i5 430M classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 37

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
PiFast screenshot

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Commentaires récents

unknownSuper Nade a commenté son propre score:

MSI GX640 like barebones whitebook (Laptop).Stock settings.Eco mode set to "gaming". The CPU is an ES. Seems to be a weird hybrid where max turbo multi is 20. There is some debate as to if this really is an i3 with hyperthreading enabled or an i5 430M. I would just call it an i5 and compete with the higher class.

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