Submission Details


- Elite League

6998.88 MHz avec Intel Core i7 6700K à 6998.9MHz

Position dans le classement


Classement général:


Core i7 6700K classement:

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
verfication image
CPU Frequency screenshot
Ripjaws 4
Ripjaws 4
URL, image ou code de vérification

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

  • Refroidissement: Air (Stock)
  • Chipset: Z170

Détails disque

  • Capacité: 256GB (IDE)
  • Séries: M5P SSD
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Détails alimentation

  • Fabricant: Antec
  • Séries: High Current Pro
  • Alimentation: 1 300 Watt
  • buy on amazon

Commentaires récents

Hong KongChi-Kui Lam a commenté son propre score:

CPUZ Loading is too high , even on XOC Mode..... !!

United Statesxxbassplayerxx dit :

Can you get the validation higher with 1.72.1 and then have it validated by Christian Ney?

Hong KongChi-Kui Lam dit :

I tested on 1.72.1 and the max validation is almost same because this is slowmode tweak.

the different between 1.72.1 and 1.73 is the difficulity , u need to spent more time to wait for "F7" key.


when I got 6.998GHz , I spent 3 more days to chase 7GHz .

However , the 2MHz is far away for me. T.T

websmile dit :

2MHz more or less, this is a great result :)

Czech Republictrodas dit :

Absolutely agreed. This is almost 7GHz score and that is pretty damn good in my humble opinion. However, gotta ask... what is with the hairdrier? You are trying to increase the temperature of components, like coild and caps, that like more temperature that subzero or what?


Yep, caps have their sweet spot at around 45°C - then they give highest ripple current = best stability for your O/C CPU. Coils like even higher temps...

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