Submission Details


- Extreme League

133.2 MHz avec ASUS K7V-T à 133.2MHz

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Classement général:


K7V-T classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 2

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

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  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

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Commentaires récents

Strunkenbold a commenté son propre score:

I really wondered how bunny could get the 133Mhz setting of the board to work while I struggled to get 115Mhz. Then, I started to investigate. :D Looks like 133Mhz works just fine... But 133Mhz/33Mhz PCI setting wont work. Some boards have also a 133Mhz switch, but there it wont work while Im sure now that the KX133 can take the 133Mhz without probs. So the chipset probably just has problems with the 1:4 PCI divider.

Strunkenbold dit :

commentary box just cant take enough words, so I reply to my own result... ;)


Asus specific instructions:

Make sure you take the 3,3V VIO setting.

Use DIP switches.

When the board first starts up, it goes immediately off- thats a good sign!

Now just hit the reset button. And after 1-2 seconds the board should boot.


DIP Switch settings and motivation:


Memory frequency is somewhere around 177Mhz (133Mhz + 43Mhz PCI clock).

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