Submission Details


- Extreme League

3539.81 MHz with Intel Pentium E2180 at 3539.8MHz

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Pentium E2180 rank:

192nd out of 276

Points earned for overclocker league

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Recent Comments

United KingdomNo1Spank says:

Should go well with a delid and some LN2

United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

There's no need to delid :)


Have you tested max fsb at the lowest multi?

United KingdomNo1Spank says:

No, but I did try it on LN2 and I couldn't hold speed long enough to save CPUZ file, think I had it over 4.6ghz.

My pot was bolted on though as didn't have the right bracket so that could be the problem.

ObscureParadox@3XS says:

delid it if you see temps go through the roof, otherwise don't bother ;)


United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

You didn't sub anything for it when you had it on LN2?

United KingdomNo1Spank says:

It was delided but no I didn't get a sub, as soon as I loaded CPUZ it crashed every time even when I kept lowering the clock.


The CPU is over 10 years old so I guess it was degrading fast.

United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

Ah that's a shame, any plans on going cold with it again, or other 775 stuff? :)

United KingdomNo1Spank says:

Maybe won't use that cpu again cold as it's past it's bext but I've got 3 decent X48 boards now and a few 775 cpu's.

I coud do with a decent delid tool though as these old ones are really hard to do with a razor blade without damaging them.


I bought one of ebay but it was rubbish.


By the way Grorge now the competition is over what is the secret to decent scores with the GT 1030?

I had decent CPU, memory and GPU clocks but still go beaten by people with slower setups. I tried tweaking every setting in the Nvidia 3d settings I could.

United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

There's no need to delid s775 cpus :)


Err I'm not entirely sure, gpu boost 3.0 seems a bit like witch craft to me haha. For 03 you needed to use LOD, same with Heaven

United KingdomNo1Spank says:

I was using LOD, made a small amount of difference.


Just looked at the maximum CPU speeds I got with the E-2160 on air.


Before delid 2900 mhz approx on air.

After delid 3200 mhz roughly on air.


Something like 20 degrees C difference on one of the cores at 2.9ghz.


I tried a TEC on that CPU but didn't upload as I wanted to stay in enthusiast league. I got 3.2ghz with that before the delid but once I did it the TEC was no better than just using a decent air cooler. In fact I think I got a few more mhz over 3.2 with just the tower cooler.


I suppose for LN2 you are right it wouldn't make a difference, but I still like benching on air/water & chilled.

United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

Ah interesting didn't think it made much difference.


Well hopefully you get a chance to clock some more s775 soon, they're good fun!

United KingdomNo1Spank says:

By the way it was the E-2160 that I tried on LN2 not this E-2180. Got a bit mixed up as it was so long since I did this benchmark.

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