Submission Details


- Extreme League

6518.78 MHz avec Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz (Prescott, 133 FSB) à 6518.8MHz

Position dans le classement


Classement général:


Pentium 4 2.8Ghz (Prescott, 133 FSB) classement:

Cup Gold 1st sur un total de 67

Points earned for overclocker league

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  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

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Commentaires récents

Chinawytiwx a commenté son propre score:

Previous 6300MHz chip on P5BD. Did mobo BIOS mod and Vmod. CPU has no CB, CBB about -110 C. Core temp 170 C, Vcore 1.78V. Prescott chip is just too hot to bench full load at high Freq.

dit :

Now this is crazy again. Do you spend 10 years binnning cpus? :D

Chinawytiwx dit :

Now this is crazy again. Do you spend 10 years binnning cpus? :D


I think I can spend my whole life binning CPUs if I could :D


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