Submission Details


- Elite League

7min 18sec 291ms avec Intel Core i3 7350K à 6763.8MHz

Position dans le classement


Global 2x CPU classement:


Core i3 7350K classement:

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
GPUPI for CPU - 1B screenshot

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

  • Type: 16384MB
  • Fréquence: @ 4 173MHz
  • Chronomètres CL12.0 11-11-28

Détails carte graphique

  • Fréquence: MHz / MHz (Stock)

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

United StatesSplave a commenté son propre score:


Italyrsannino dit :


ItalyGRIFF dit :

Nice gpupi battle

United StatesSplave dit :


websmile dit :

Let me make an educated guess, you found this on an old bench HDD (IDE) from 2016 :D

Germanyground dit :

Exact same clocks for RAM and CPU, interesting, hope you guys keep on going for a while longer with this :D

GreeceOGS dit :

Most valuable pieces of hw:

5) Rampage 3 Black / Corsair Gtx2

4) Asus Ares / Mars / 780 Ti Lightning

3) Golden 8700K

2) Golden 9900K

1) Allen's USB

Germanyground dit :

42 minutes ago, FireKillerGR said:

Most valuable pieces of hw:

5) Rampage 3 Black / Corsair Gtx2

4) Asus Ares / Mars / 780 Ti Lightning

3) Golden 8700K

2) Golden 9900K

1) Allen's USB

Don't wanna derail this, but what makes the Rampage III Black so special? It's certainly not BCLK as far as I can tell, I can beat that with a Rampage II...

Edit: also missing the Z170M OCF?

GreeceOGS dit :

18 minutes ago, ground1556 said:

Don't wanna derail this, but what makes the Rampage III Black so special? It's certainly not BCLK as far as I can tell...

Just features and rarity (more rare than r3x & x58a-oc) I guess that result into higher pricing (if you find one ofc) vs other x58 mobos. Anyhow, the post meant to be a joke.

Edit: I dont think z170m is that rare (atm at least).

United StatesSparkysAdventure dit :

Splave's USB is a gold mine.

AustriaHampti dit :

Than you should give a DFI NF4 Venus a chance ;-) btw....nice battle...keep on going.

Australiaunityofsaints dit :

Are you kids done fighting yet?

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