Submission Details


- Enthusiast league

410906 marks with NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra at 729/1242MHz

Ranking position


Global 1x GPU rank:


GeForce 8800 Ultra rank:

12th out of 227

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Media gallery

Aquamark screenshot
ROG Maximus X Apex
ROG Maximus X Apex
Verification URL, image, checksum

Hardware details

CPU details

Memory details

  • Manufacturer: G.SKILL
  • Type: 16MB DDR4 SDRAM
  • Speed: @ 2,101MHz
  • Timings: CL12.0 11-11-28 1T

VGA details

Mainboard details

Disk details

Power details

Recent Comments

United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

5.8 and 1.6v+ on water? What's your ambient?!

United StatesGtiJason says:

Yeah that's crazy but it does look like the rig itself is outside.

United KingdomNoxinite says:

"Ambient". XD

AustraliaKaRtA says:

Welcome to the world of "enthusiast" cooling. Move him to Apprentice already.

AustraliaKaRtA says:

Rig pic also incorrect. Remove this and all of NATA58's scores please


Haha the green tubes direct route north pole

Romaniasuzuki says:

It doesn't really matter if he uses chiller or not, the result is great and should be appreciated.

If indeed he uses this kind of methods he will realise in time that they we're pointless to hide them as you have no satisfaction in competing with an airplane on a horse race.

Nevertheless, great score and bring many more of this.


Has it been an even playing field for years?  Where we all stuck to the rules. Or another rule for cheaters.

Does years of chilling water mean enthusiast OR apprentice? Rank of #1 enthusiast a crock of shit.


Fucken bet my processor would do 5.8GHz too with a fish tank chiller under the bench xD Aussie summer 40deg Celsius days = fat chance REAL ambient

United KingdomNoxinite says:

Tbh it is a good score, only thing missing is some hard mods and GPU on water. :D

United KingdomGeorgeStorm says:

It's the never ending discussion, it's ambient for them right so surely that's ok? Makes it unfair for those living in hot climates sure but I think that's been the general rule followed.

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Suzuki, thanks man, appreciated it from you :) (first part) Noxinite -> vMod

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

proof of cooling video, its 6PM here and ambient around 11C, i can post you another one if temps goes lower during night

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

2 years ago.. its still same cpu, without any degradation even after 500+ hours sitting at 1.6-1.7


3 hours ago, GeorgeStorm said:

It's the never ending discussion, it's ambient for them right so surely that's ok? Makes it unfair for those living in hot climates sure but I think that's been the general rule followed.

Follow the green tubes & find the truth. Apprentice score


3 hours ago, GeorgeStorm said:

It's the never ending discussion

It's the never ending deceit.  >:( Who has been accused of running a chiller years ago ... it continues & you all reward praise this?  Wow big score man.

Watercooling decent processors top out around 5.5Ghz ... use the logic. That's getting toasty hot even with a big reservoir of water.


Follow the green tubes,  they curl around under his parts tray.


Straight down ... have you got eyes?



This is his adjusted photo * note * the tubing will not hand down.straight underneath.






Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Omg man... Working on these cards last 14 days, i was happy when i submited nice score with first ever moded cards by own hands (when i never used solder before) and everything i see is stupid flame and hates, it was great feeling bench again after all HWB situation, now i see that i should stuck at work instead of taking holiday for 14 days only for somethink whitch i love... 

Second video at 5780 Mhz especialy to argue against your conspiracy lol. 

Its like arguing that earth is flat... 

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

I think thats this is pretty clear...  


Iam wonder whats gona come when i submit 260 now lol. 

United KingdomNoxinite says:

Kudos for modding all those cards!

AustraliaKaRtA says:

I was being sarcastic, Happy Birthday


19 hours ago, GeorgeStorm said:

5.8 and 1.6v+ on water? What's your ambient?!

I see deflection all the time with this guy. Oh look I'm benching again & I'm happy. Oh look my video card mods.

If you are chilling your water you are Apprentice.  7700K doing 5.8 GHz oh please xD WC with that puny rad 11c ambient.

Near 5.6 Ghz over a year ago doing much tougher cpu benches ... xD here's a picture to remind you where the fish tank chiller is xD 1 year 3 months ago


Other members here use single stage for near on 6 Ghz. No other enthusiast can manage 5.8 Ghz with plain old water cooling.

View your own screenshot gangster xD take your chilly self off to Apprentice ... give other Enthusiast a bad rep


Australiazeropluszero says:

13 hours ago, avalanche said:

Has it been an even playing field for years?  Where we all stuck to the rules. Or another rule for cheaters.

Does years of chilling water mean enthusiast OR apprentice? Rank of #1 enthusiast a crock of shit.


Fucken bet my processor would do 5.8GHz too with a fish tank chiller under the bench xD Aussie summer 40deg Celsius days = fat chance REAL ambient

Cry us a fucking river Shane.

Jesus, what a fucking whinge.

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Avalanche, yeah that makes sense, I will make 5,8 with proof on fucking window, but for sure I have to using chiller on 5,6. You should stop using LSD man. 

Australiazeropluszero says:

Keep doing what you're doing PKBO. 
None of us in Australia can stand Shane, which is why he had to jump ship to Warp9, who I also assume cant stand him. 


41 minutes ago, PKBO said:

Avalanche, yeah that makes sense, I will make 5,8 with proof on fucking window, but for sure I have to using chiller on 5,6. You should stop using LSD man. 

Really don't give a crap what you do from now on.  


14 minutes ago, zeropluszero said:

Keep doing what you're doing PKBO. 
None of us in Australia can stand Shane, which is why he had to jump ship to Warp9, who I also assume cant stand him. 

Pull any good monitors lately. That's a superior tweak for sure you lot :P

Butt the fuKK out of what does not involve you. I'll find ya ten ply flick those big floppy silly ears xD Ply


So for those onlookers who assume angry. I am not. Pointing out chiller still in use hundreds of submission would not be a stretch.

Until there is a rule change where we are one league ... PKBO is NOT Enthusiast deserved 

Australiazeropluszero says:

37 minutes ago, avalanche said:

Pull any good monitors lately. That's a superior tweak for sure you lot :P

I'll get back to you on Saturday. 

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

It's still makes me wonder why you never tryed much more exotic cooler with greatest cpu ever, surely this is must be LN2 WR chip.

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

i did, we put it on promotion onto SS, iam not sure about  req, but i think that somethink like 6100 or 6300 at CB15.

LN2 not wanted to do, cause its delided with LM and its not good idea (dont wana loose it for "nothing")

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

The best i know is 5.5GHz R15 7700K on ambient water, 20-30 Celcius, 5.8GHz isnt possible without changing other voltages which is causing more heat, im sure cold ambient is belong to Apprentice, its should be based on real temperature not normal ambient or not.

ItalyNATA 58 says:



  do you want to delete all my results? so you think I'm dishonest , why not use hwinfo or hwmonitor so let's see who really make up the results?


Don't concern yourself NATA 58. :) Your same rig pic makes you a target. 5.2Ghz on your processor can be done with watercooling.

I believe your scores are deserved. Actually I have a peek in now & again, seeing what new scores you do. :ph34r: Haha lightly stalking


ItalyNATA 58 says:

thank you. however with hwinfo-hwmonitor it would be all the more regular

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

There is no need insulation if its ambient, if insulation is needed it must be below ambient, and btw you can even still bench under ln2 without insulation some times :)
Why not sub your SS result? No offense but this result is uncoolable on ambient, 58 Celcius load under 1.6v+?


Russian FederationZFeSS says:

13 minutes ago, speed.fastest said:

if insulation is needed it must be below ambient

I have to use insulation with watercooling every summer. When humidity is over 90% and temperatures are over 30 degrees there is a lot of condensate.

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

3 minutes ago, ZFeSS said:

I have to use insulation with watercooling every summer. When humidity is over 90% and temperatures are over 30 degrees there is a lot of condensate.

guess what, i live here in Indonesia which is everyday 30C+ with 80-100% humidity, never seens anyone have trouble with condensation here.

Russian FederationZFeSS says:

It's a simple physics - dew point. With such temps and humidity you need a few degrees below ambient to have a condensate. When you cool down more - you have a lot. Haven't got any problem at winter, cause humidity and temps are lower.

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

Thats why condensation is happen when you run below your ambient, he said he run on ambient.

Russian FederationZFeSS says:

Oh, yeah, you're right. I read you wrong. I think, that you write "below zero", not "below ambient".


17 hours ago, speed.fastest said:

There is no need insulation if its ambient, if insulation is needed it must be below ambient, and btw you can even still bench under ln2 without insulation some times :)
Why not sub your SS result? No offense but this result is uncoolable on ambient, 58 Celcius load under 1.6v+?


Great detective work there Sherlock Holmes :) Looking like a giant rats nest in there. Peel myself off the floor rolling around laughing my ass off. xD ROFL xD



The tool of champions aye  PKBO xD What do you recommend? I'd like my processor to last a bit longer.

 Take your bad self off to purgatory ya Apprentice


Don't look anywhere else but here " right here " I reported about a dozen of your submissions ya chiller. Usually I CBF ever.

Totally worth it. NOT Enthusiast, get out!

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Keep writing, its a lot of fun with you. 

Same like with guys who belives in NWO, chemtrails & flat earth.


Ice bucket cheat xD It's people like you that give Enthusiast League a bad reputation. Let 500+ hours of guilty cold submissions consume you :)

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

No, its people like you.

i gived you few hours of video proof and you still kidding...


Bla bla bla, nonsese discusiot with you. 

Now lets hate my another result from today, move move.

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Its not my fault where you live, i live in middle of europe in same weather conditions like few billions of peoples arround the world, if you are uspet with it, deal with it.

Peoples from Jamaica will be good at athletic sports, but bad at ICE Hockey and oposite, deal with it, if you are upset with it, then go into apprentice or dont complain about it, than you can fight my results if you want.

Its not my fault, that you didnt invest your time into binning chips, i bought more than 30 peaces of 7700k.

Its not my fault, that you didnt care about hwb revision and rising inportance of GPUS, i was collecting them more than 2 years and also get fucked up with bad sellers whitch sell somethink whitch was not working.

Its not my fault, that you couldnt accept somethink, whitch is proved for 2 years with hours of video and with hundreds of tests.

Ill be glad, if there will be merge like Karta mentioned in his thread, i dont have a problem to deal with it, but until this gona happen, please, dont write flames about me.


Guilt ridden you are. :D Years of thinking you fool all the overclockers with your ill gained cold subs.

Everyone here would know by now you run an expensive chiller under your bench. Not enthusiast you claim to be.

Proof lol. Later on as tidy up act. Take that insulation off the board did you dopey in the video xD


PKBO I cannot believe a word you say. Lower than a snakes belly & no cred with me.

Want to save some face? Take that big fancy chiller, toss it in the bin. Then apologise to all the Enthusiasts in here you have wronged being a cheater. 

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Could you see some chiller during this tests ?

Can you show it to me please ?



Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

Idk if you cheat cooler or not, but i bin 100+ 7700K with Hazzan too 5.5ghz r15 on ambient is the best result and its only 1 cpu.

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

Call me lucky bastard, hazarder, idiot or whatever you want, but no cheater please :) iam working on 260 now, but i will give you also some test from CB to compare, ofcousrse everything recorded.

Australiazeropluszero says:

52 minutes ago, PKBO said:

Call me lucky bastard, hazarder, idiot or whatever you want, but no cheater please :) iam working on 260 now, but i will give you also some test from CB to compare, ofcousrse everything recorded.

You're my personal hero. 


3 hours ago, speed.fastest said:

Idk if you cheat cooler or not, but i bin 100+ 7700K with Hazzan too 5.5ghz r15 on ambient is the best result and its only 1 cpu.

Exactly. 5,5Ghz is tough with ambient cooling only. I have a 8086K did it once.


Czech RepublicPKBO says:

On 2/26/2019 at 7:00 AM, speed.fastest said:

It's still makes me wonder why you never tryed much more exotic cooler with greatest cpu ever, surely this is must be LN2 WR chip.

I didnt find 7700k results on SS, but here is my 8700K whitch ends around 5,5 on water.



Romaniasuzuki says:

I still needto bench my 8700k,thanks for posting this :).

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

I will see if someone that have 5.5ghz r15 cpu 8700K/8086K with ambient will do 5.8ghz 3D on ambient, never seen yet xD

Romaniasuzuki says:

6 minutes ago, speed.fastest said:

I will see if someone that have 5.5ghz r15 cpu 8700K/8086K with ambient will do 5.8ghz 3D on ambient, never seen yet xD

Here it is one.

Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

Just now, suzuki said:

Here it is one.

See the difference, voltage is difference, can you pass xtu 5.6ghz at 1.58v on ambient and did 5.8ghz 1.6v+ 3D?

Czech RepublicPKBO says:

17 minutes ago, speed.fastest said:

I will see if someone that have 5.5ghz r15 cpu 8700K/8086K with ambient will do 5.8ghz 3D on ambient, never seen yet xD

Thats 7700K :) i dont know, how 8700 works at 3D yet, i did only 2D with it.. And iam not sure, if its worth, cause guys with 9900k will probably beat it under Vantage.


EDIT: speed.fastest: and whats wrong about it ? Its simple, AM3 = load near zero, without HT and without CPU test up to 3d05... 3DM 06 is way different, i passed it around 5.6G. Its more or less same like benching SPI vs XTU... My 8700k also passes it at 6,2G under SS.


Indonesiaspeed.fastest says:

7 minutes ago, PKBO said:

EDIT: speed.fastest: and whats wrong about it ? Its simple, AM3 = load near zero, without HT and without CPU test up to 3d05... 3DM 06 is way different, i passed it around 5.6G.

Thats why you were apprentice, this temp is not enthusiast at all.

Edit : you were doing great job benchmarking, but you were not enthusiast clocker.

United StatesSplave says:

@Leeghoofd @GeorgeStorm

anyone want to close/clean this up? really cringey at this point and looks bad on the community imo

United StatesMr.Scott says:

8 minutes ago, Splave said:

@Leeghoofd @GeorgeStorm

anyone want to close/clean this up? really cringey at this point and looks bad on the community imo

Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.

If you really want to clean it up, change his league.

GermanyDon_Dan says:

The thread will be closed for now and HWBOT staff will look into it.

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