Submission Details

- Elite League

162339 marks avec NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 à 1065/1425MHz

Position dans le classement


Global 1x GPU classement:


GeForce GTX 285 classement:

7th sur un total de 278

Points earned for overclocker league

Points earned for team league

Gallerie photos

Captures d'écran
3DMark2001 SE screenshot

Détails matériel

Détails Processeur

Détails mémoire

Détails carte graphique

  • Modèle: GeForce GTX 285 (GT200) NVIDIA
  • Refroidissement: Liquid Nitrogen
  • Fréquence: 1 065MHz (+64.35%) / 2 374MHz / 1 425MHz (+14.92%)
  • buy on amazon

Détails carte mère

Détails disque

Détails alimentation

Commentaires récents

NetherlandsOldscarface a commenté son propre score:

Thanks to Asus

ItalyGRIFF dit :

hi man. i'm sorry but i can report this sub because rules are rules. indifferently nice work and hard work

dit :

Report it for what??

ItalyGRIFF dit :

Missing photo rig requered in the rules.

Belgiumleeghoofd dit :

secret tweak, no working system piccie= +2K score, try it you will luv it...

United KingdomGeorgeStorm dit :

Either enforce the rules or don't have them, really not difficult.

Belgiumleeghoofd dit :

easy when you submit maybe two scores... amused that our italian friends found at least one partner in crime, while failing themselves to abide to them rules...


Wisdom of the day: 8pack told me once, why do people report my scores ? Why don't they just beat them?

United KingdomGeorgeStorm dit :

easy when you submit maybe two scores... amused that our italian friends found at least one partner in crime, while failing themselves to abide to them rules...


Wisdom of the day: 8pack told me once, why do people report my scores ? Why don't they just beat them?


Wasn't directing anything at you personally. Just my general thoughts, no point having a rule if it's not going to actually be enforced :)


Your choice to sub so many scores in so little time ;)


Also that comment is silly, if someone breaks a rule they should be reported, doesn't matter if you can beat them or not :P

Belgiumleeghoofd dit :

Once when you bench competively you will notice that mostly those that report, fail to beat your score. This act had nothing to do with fair play lol


Anyway I wish you all the best, have fun!

United KingdomGeorgeStorm dit :

Oh don't get me wrong there will always be sore losers!


Hope you change your mind and come back :)

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